Today we ascended Mt Nebo. According to ancient tradition, this is the mountain from which Moses saw the Promised Land before he died. Because of its connection to Moses, Mt. Nebo has long been an important place of Christian pilgrimage. Excavations led by the Franciscans, who own the site, have uncovered significant remains of the early church and its magnificent Byzantine mosaics. A simple modern shelter dedicated to Moses has been built over them.

Inside the Church where you can view the ancient mosaics.

We celebrated Mass together in the Chapel.

Beautiful chalice and bowl used for Mass with the Franciscan tau cross.

We visited a Mosaic workshop where we were shown different techniques to making mosaics.

They have 85 artists working for in their workshop.

Some examples of their mosaics. We were treated to traditional tea and Jordanian biscuits while shopping in their extensive showroom while our visa cards got a workout.

Time allowed for a mud bath in the Dead Sea this afternoon.