Today we travelled to Nazareth. We visited the Basilica of the Annunciation. This Church has an Annunciation Grotto which is believed to be the Virgin Mary's home and the place where the Angel Gabriel appeared to her and where she responded with "let it be done to me according to your word." We were able to pray in front of this grotto and I really felt my YES resounding with Mary's.

This church has two levels - this is the lower level and you can see the white cave on the bottom left. This is the Annunciation Grotto (cave).

This is the Annunciation Grotto - believed to be Mary's home and the place where the Angel Gabriel appeared to her.

This is the upper church. We celebrated Mass here. It is an enormous church with many images of Mary in the side aisles from around the world.

Some examples of the side aisles with Marian images.

Celebrated Mass - note the beautiful mosaic on the wall behind.

Angel Gabriel - pray for us
Mary our Mother - pray for us
For more info