Today we had a busy day visiting several significant sites around the Sea of Galilee. Our raincoats and brollies were brought out of our suitcases for the first time as we experienced thunder, lightning and showers this morning. The highlight of our day was Mass on a boat on the Sea of Galilee.
We boarded "Noah" and set sail ... then realised we had left three people behind on the dock!

Mass on the Sea of Galilee.

We proudly flew high flags from the All Blacks, New Zealand and Australia and played our national anthems.

Hail to St Joseph's Papanui on the flag!

We also visited Capernaum. It Jesus' time it was a fish market and frontier post beside the Sea of Galilee and became His home town and the scene of many miracles. It was the home of the first disciples Jesus called - the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John and the tax collector Matthew. We visited ancient remains of the town and Peter's house. We are pictured here in a synagogue - Jesus worshipped and taught in the synagogue - where his teaching made a deep impression on the local people, because unlike the scribes, he taught with authority (Mk 1:21-22)

We had a traditional "St Peter's Fish" meal at a nearby restaurant on the Sea of Galilee - a whole fish on the plate!

We visited Tabgha and a monastery and church which is built on the site of the multiplication of loaves - feeding of the 5000. There is a 4th century mosaic of the loaves and the fish.

This mosaic was on the steps in front of the altar of the monastery church.

We visited the "Church of the Primacy of Peter" where there was the third apparition of the Risen Lord where he commissioned Peter to "feed my lambs ... look after my sheep." Rami our guide explains the mosaic in the gardens surrounding the church. He explains that this is the site the first Pope was appointed with Jesus appointing Peter. It was not till 1964 that another successor of Peter (Pope) would visit this site.

The church contains a projection of limestone rock in front of the present altar which is venerated as a "Mensa Christi", Latin for table of Christ. According to tradition this is the spot where Jesus is said to have laid out a breakfast of bread and fish for the Apostles, and told Peter to "Feed my sheep" after the miraculous catch, the third time he appeared to them after his resurrection.

The Sea of Galilee ... where Jesus walked. On the shore of Galilee I almost felt like Peter and hearing the Lord asking ... "do you love me?" ... feed my sheep.
Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.