Today we celebrated Mass on the shore of the Sea of Galilee at the Pilgerhaus Retreat Centre in Tabgha ... the "gha" of the Tabgha is pronouced like a phlemy cough at the back of your throat!
On this beautiful warm morning we walked down a tree lined lane beside the Sea of Galilee. Our Mass altar was a carved boulder and our seats were large tree logs. Photo below by Rami our guide.

After Mass, 18 pilgrims took an optional day trip to Mt Carmel and Acre. And 13 pilgrims stayed on at Pilgerhaus for a retreat day. On retreat we had coffee on the verandah while listening to a talk on Ignatius' rules for discernment to help us recognise when we are experiencing God - and when we may be being fooled! We reflected on Scripture, had the opportunity for confession, spiritual direction and enjoyed time for quiet prayer. I enjoyed sitting under a tree that was buzzing with large brightly coloured birds. When I look at creation I appreciate that God is an artist! Hey, we are His masterpiece - let Him paint His image in you. St Ignatius - pray for us.

Some of us stayed on for lunch together at Pilgerhaus.

We love hearing your feedback - send us a message. Send me your confidential prayer intentions to carry with us on this spiritual journey we are taking with you.