Last night a group of us toasted Tiberias after having a wonderful six nights on the Sea of Galilee.

This morning we travelled into Jerusalem ... we played "O'Jerusalem" throughout the bus as we got our first glimpse of this holy city.
We visited the Church of The Visitation in Ein Karem, This Church honours the visit paid by the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. (Luke 1:39–56) This is the site where tradition tells us that Mary recited her song of praise, the Magnificat, one of the most ancient Marian hymns.

In the courtyard outside the Church it has Mary's "Magnificat" prayer in many different languages in tiles surrounding the pilgrims. Here it is in english ...

Mary meets Elizabeth.

We walked to a neighbouring church for Mass called the "Church of the birth place of Saint John the Baptist."

To the side of the altar you walk down some stairs to the the cave where St John the Baptist was born. You can kneel and touch the spot and pray.

Back on the bus our guide Rami explained some of the tensions and difficulties between the Israeli and Palestinian people. We travelled to Bethlehem and past large concrete border into Palestinian territory and got a sense of the hostility.

We had a traditional meal at a Bethlehem restaurant.

We made it to our Jerusalem hotel - the Notre Dame. It's in a great location just across the road from the Old City walls. It has a Chapel open all the time, with a holy hour of adoration and benediction ... and my room is just down the hallway! I'm in heaven! This is our beautiful chapel:

After dinner as the sun was going down a group of us walked into the Old City. We weaved our way through a maze of ancient lanes as retailers surrounding both sides were packing up for the day. The stone paths are worn and uneven and shiny from wear.
It was airy to come to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The atmosphere was deeply emotive with the air fragrant from incense. It was dimly lit and filled with pilgrims of different cultures and yet mysteriously still. More will be posted on this over the next week.

I really felt Mary's Magnificat prayer at the Church of The Visitation today. It gave me a new perspective when praying my evening prayer tonight ... join me ... "My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour."
Be encouraged to send in your confidential prayer intentions, email