The Church of St Anne in Jerusalem marks the traditional site of the home of Jesus’ maternal grandparents, Anne and Joachim, and the birthplace of the Virgin Mary.

This church has amazing acoustics so we gathered around and sung hymns to Mary.

ST PETER GALLICANTU CHURCH: This church commemorates the apostle Peter’s triple denial of his Jesus, his immediate repentance and his reconciliation with Christ after the Resurrection. The scene of Peter’s disgrace was the courtyard of the high priest Caiaphas. The Assumptionist congregation, which built St Peter in Gallicantu over the ruins of a Byzantine basilica, believes it stands on the site of the high priest’s house. Under the church is a dungeon thought to be the cell where Jesus was detained for the night following his arrest. We celebrated Mass here in the lower church.

The spectacular upper church.

We travelled down to the Sacred Tomb believed to bear where Jesus was held when arrested and prayed Psalm 88 together.
The visited Bethlehem University. It is the first and only Catholic University in the Holy Land. It started 40 years ago with 112 students and now has 3300 students, 22% are Catholic, 70% are women. There is only 2% in Holy Land are Christians. Bethlehem University are educating the next generation of Palestinians and modelling the acceptance of a diversity of cultures. We met Brother Peter Bray from New Zealand who is the Vice-Chancellor, a De La Salle Brother. We visited their Chapel of the Divine Child and talked with a student about the difficulties of education in Palestine.

Last chance for prayer intentions - email We are up early at 4am to pray the Stations of the Cross on Via Dolorosa finishing in the Holy Sepulchre where we will have a Mass at Jesus' tomb and will place your prayer intentions there.
St Anne - pray for us
St Peter - pray for us